Product owner: Mrs Catherine Adams contact:

Product owner: Mrs Catherine Adams contact:
A unique gift idea for the whole family of dog lovers to enjoy. A family fun informative board game of knowledge, strategy, planning and luck! Choose your dog character (or use a picture of your own dog) and start your woodland adventure collecting Treat Tokens and answering questions about dogs to collect Paw Tokens until you have enough to win the Dog Toy Trophy! Are you a Good dog or a Naughty dog? Do you get the Zoomies? Have the pigeons eaten your Treats, or another dog been able to take (steal) them before you get to the end?
Familiarise yourself with the board and what all the different icons on the board mean
Know the Players and how they interact with the other players on the board. See how you can win the game!
After a day's work I was thinking about what I had done, where I had taken the dogs and the walks we had. After a while I thought it would make a great board game as there were lots of different scenarios which came up with the dogs. After developing a basic idea, and with help from friends, family, and dog owners the game grew into what it is today.
We got Shyla when she was 11 years old. She loved going out on walks in the forest but latterly her back legs had degenerative myelopathy which meant we had to get her some wheels so she could still run around and enjoy going out with the pack!
Shyla was a rescue dog and taken on by a friend of the family around the age of 2 and lived an incredibly happy life for 8 years with him. After he passed, we gave Shyla her Forever Home with us.
We were honoured to love, cherish and share our lives with Shyla for 18 months. We gave her the best life we could and had fun watching her pretending to be a Formula 1 Driver in her wheels... OMG - she was fast!
Bruce loved going over the park and along the canal for long walk. He used to nip at your ankles if your stopped to talk or did not want to go the way he wanted to go. He loved herding his humans and going on holiday to visit his brothers!
Bruce was born on a farm in Scotland. Bruce and two of his brothers, Hamish and Dougal were brought home by two brothers. One brother lives in Scotland and the other in England.
Bruce kept us all in order and gave us such love and joy for 12 years until he was diagnosed with cancer. We did everything we could for him, and he was great after the operations etc but in the end it was too aggressive.
There is nothing more Misty loves than to go for rambles along the cliffs looking for rabbits or running along the beach chasing seagulls. Having had her from 8 weeks old she truly is living the best life
Misty comes from Buckleberry, Berkshire and is a true Working Cocker. Her parents were Crufts Winners.
Misty is now 6 and still full of life. 4 years ago, she got a little sister to be with and although for the first few days she though "It looks like a dog, it smells like a dog, but it's just sooooo tiny...?!" she soon came to love and become inseparable from her sister Tilly.
Little Miss Tilly is the most confident, happy little girl you could wish for. She walks up to cows and lets them know "There is no messing with me Lassie!" (said in a Scottish accent).
We got her when she was visiting the vets for her first round of vaccinations - she and her brother were being carried by a little boy, one in each hand with his Mum. We commented on how wonderful they were and asked are they for sale? We almost fell over when they said "Yes, which one do you want?" And that was it. We had the girl. She is a first generation Cavapoo and her brother lives in the same town and they see each other sometimes.
Tilly is now 4 and loves being with her big sister Misty. She is not a swimmer but certainly does love to run along the beach and cliffs. The one thing she does not like is a haircut!
I used to walk a Staffie called Jessie - she was a lovely girl who had the biggest smile you could ever imagine - definitely went from Ear to Ear! When I decided to have a Staffie in the game I could think of no better name than Jessie!
I do look after a lovely little Frenchie called Pierre, but I decided to call my Frenchie in the game Alfred. Pierre is only young and so a little shy when joining the pack but soon gets into it and plays, runs around, and have a fabulous time before coming back to mine for a sleep. He snores like a Gruffalo and keeps the other dogs awake!
This was our first ever show and I was truly terrified about what people thought of my game. I had been working on it for 18 months and hoped people would like the concept and appreciate how well made it was. Well, I worried for nothing as it was very well received with lots of fantastic comments! We had a great couple of days.
We were super excited about this after our experience at All About Dogs. We had no idea what to expect and were quite overwhelmed by the size for the Expo! Everyone we met were so friendly and welcoming, the visitors loved the game whether it was their 'thing' or not. We couldn't have asked for a better time!
This Show was very local to us and so it was great to get support from friends and my dogs to come visit us at the stand. We had a great day and again, very positive feedback and people were very encouraging.
By now we had got into the hang of things and how the stand should be laid out etc. A ;lot less panic setting up but still very nervous the night before. We had a great time and adding the 'Spin and Win' wheel was great fun!
This was the first of our Christmas Markets but after a slow start we met lots of lovely people and one lady shook my hand and said "Very Well Done!" It is so nice when people can see how much hard work went into the game and people get that we are trying to make a difference to dogs' welfare.
This Christmas Market was just down the road from where we live so a few of my doggy daycare clients came to say Hi and supported us. Was nice catching up with other dog walkers too. I hope those who bought the game have a wonderful time playing it with their families over Christmas.
We attended the Spring Fair at the NEC to see if any shops (online or on the High Street) would stock our game. We were fortunate enough to be picked up by two independent retailers and had a lot of interest from both High Street and online retail too. Everyone was extremely supportive and helpful giving us ideas, hints and tips and als
We attended the Spring Fair at the NEC to see if any shops (online or on the High Street) would stock our game. We were fortunate enough to be picked up by two independent retailers and had a lot of interest from both High Street and online retail too. Everyone was extremely supportive and helpful giving us ideas, hints and tips and also other shows to attend. It was a huge learning curve for us and well worth attending.
We had an absolute blast at Crufts. We had so much interest and everyone was extremely positive and loved the game. Some people who ran holiday lettings have bought it and put it in their dog friendly cottages for their guests to play, it has been bought by people from Australia, Philippines, Germany, Italy, Ireland.. so Walkies The Bo
We had an absolute blast at Crufts. We had so much interest and everyone was extremely positive and loved the game. Some people who ran holiday lettings have bought it and put it in their dog friendly cottages for their guests to play, it has been bought by people from Australia, Philippines, Germany, Italy, Ireland.. so Walkies The Board Game is now well travelled! It was bought as the Star Prize in a raffle too!
After being invited to exhibit here w had such a great time. As it is near where we live a lot of friends came to say Hi and we made a lot of new friends. Thank you to all who stopped by and especially those who bought a copy. The show was a great success for all and thank you to all the dogs who posed in front of my banner!
In the stunning grounds of Auderly End House, we had brilliant sunshine almost the whole weekend and met lots of very friendly supportive people. Please do let us know how you got on playing the game when you got home!
Luckily the weather held off and the turnout was the best yet for this show. Met some lovely people and their dogs - especially Miss Twiggy who had recovered from a stroke but lost her sight and hearing. Such a beautiful brave girlie.
Having never exhibited at Olympia before it was all another big learning curve. Everyone was super friendly and helpful. I had a great 7 days meeting fantastic people and having a fun week. I even tried out the Selfie Frame which was well received!
We were interviewed by OnTableTop at UK Games Expo 2023!
Walkies The Board Game in a nutshell!
Learning how to walk and turn corners with her new wheels
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Do you have questions about our game or upcoming play-tests? Send us a message, and we'll get back to you soon.
Bracknell, Bracknell Forest, England, United Kingdom